Alex Fayette

Alex Fayette

{ "small_description": "Alex Fayette is a Partner at ACME. Alex is the team’s frontline expert in deep-tech and frontier technologies, and also selectively invests in other less technical areas.", "social_links": { "twitter": "", "linkedin": "" }, "external_links": { "1": { "title": "YouTube", "url": "" }, "2": { "title": "Google", "url": "" }, "3": { "title": "Google", "url": "" } } }

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ACME Capital’s Alex Fayette: The Enormous Potential of ‘Anti-Decadent’ Frontier Technology
ACME Capital Terra Nova Insights Team

ACME Capital’s Alex Fayette: The Enormous Potential of ‘Anti-Decadent’ Frontier Technology

Alex Fayette, partner at ACME Capital, explains why innovations around intelligent automation, synthetic biology, and raw input economics will provide the answers to a growing list of complex issues affecting supply chains, wealth distribution, energy resources, environmental health, and more....

Alex FayetteThesis BriefsFrontier TechDeep TechIntelligent Automation